Monday, September 22, 2014

Johanne Bazinet Homeopath, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 2062 St Joseph Bl, Orleans, Ontario-ON

Johanne Bazinet Homeopath, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 2062 St Joseph Bl, Orleans, Ontario-ON

Johanne Bazinet Homeopath
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: Homeopathy Naturopathy

    Area: Ontario-ON
    Street Address: 2062 St Joseph Bl
    Zip Code: K1C 1E6
    Phone: 613 830 0487
    Web Site:

- See more at:

Friday, September 19, 2014

Cynthia Shepard CCH, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 533 Foul Bay Road, Victoria, BC-British Columbia-Victoria

Cynthia Shepard CCH, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 533 Foul Bay Road, Victoria, BC-British Columbia-Victoria

Cynthia Shepard CCH
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: Naturopathic

    Area: BC-British Columbia-Victoria
    Street Address: 533 Foul Bay Road
    Zip Code: V8S 4G9
    Phone: 250 519 0695
    Web Site:

Homeopathy is a system of medicine which involves treating the individual with highly diluted substances, given mainly in tablet form, with the aim of triggering the body’s natural system of healing.

The alternative medical system of homeopathy was developed in Germany at the end of the 18th century. Supporters of homeopathy point to two unconventional theories: “like cures like”, the notion that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people; and “law of minimum dose”, the notion that the lower the dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness. Many homeopathic remedies are so diluted that no molecules of the original substance remain.

Homeopathic practitioners rely on two types of reference when prescribing remedies: materia medica and repertories. A homeopathic materia medica is a collection of "drug pictures", organised alphabetically by "remedy,". These entries describe the symptom patterns associated with individual remedies. A homeopathic repertory is an index of disease symptoms that lists remedies associated with specific symptoms.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Kingston Natural Route Health, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 805A Bayridge Drive, Kingston, Ontario-ON

Kingston Natural Route Health, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 805A Bayridge Drive, Kingston, Ontario-ON

Welcome to Kingston Natural Route Health

Kingston Natural Route Health is a Naturopathic Medical Clinic in Kingston, ON. Our goal is to increase your health and vitality. At Kingston Natural Route Health you get help and solutions from professionals who specialize in natural health. Your Kingston Naturopath will help your achieve your health goals.

Kingston Natural Route Health
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: Homeopathy Naturopathy

    Area: Ontario-ON
    Street Address: 805 Bayridge Drive
    Zip Code: K7P 1T5
    Phone: 613 767 6982
    Web Site:

At Kingston Natural Route Health, our Naturopaths are trained in a number of modalities and tailor their treatments to the individual. Depending on the doctor’s approach and the needs of the individual patient, treatments may include:

    Clinical Nutrition
    Botanical Medicine
    Homeopathic Medicine
    Physical Treatments
    Asian Medicine
    Lifestyle Counselling
    a combination of all or some of these modalities

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Marty Begin, ND, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 715 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario-ON

Marty Begin, ND, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 715 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario-ON

Marty Begin, ND
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: Homeopathy Naturopathy

    Area: Ontario-ON
    Street Address: 715 Bloor St W
    Zip Code: M6G 1L5
    Phone: 416 533 2078
    Web Site:

Company Logo

Marty Begin ND,

Marty Begin has been a naturopath and homeopath since 1990 in Toronto. With a good basis of classical and Vitoulkian homeopathy, he went on to study courses or attend many lectures with most of the acclaimed teachers of the last 2 decades.

I've been a full time naturopath and homeopath for 19 years, with the most emphasis on classical homeopathy.

I've studied and practiced here in Toronto. I've also studied a lot with
many international lecturers in homeopathy. My favorites have been:
Rajan, Divya, Jayesh etal., Jan Schoulten, and Louis Klein.

Homeopathic physicians
seek to cure their patients on the physical, mental and emotional
levels, and each treatment is tailored to a patient's individual needs.
Homeopathy is generally a safe treatment, as it uses medicines in
extremely diluted quantities, and there are usually minimal side
effects. Its non-toxicity makes it a good choice for the treatment of
children. Another benefit of homeopathy is the cost of treatments;
homeopathic remedies are inexpensive, often a fraction of the cost of
conventional drugs.

Homeopathy is extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken,
results can be rapid, complete and permanent. Homeopathy is completely
safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use Homeopathy without the
danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside
other medication without producing unwanted side effects. Homeopathy is
natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural

- See more at:
 Homeopathic physicians seek to cure their patients on the physical, mental and emotional levels, and each treatment is tailored to a patient's individual needs. Homeopathy is generally a safe treatment, as it uses medicines in extremely diluted quantities, and there are usually minimal side effects. Its non-toxicity makes it a good choice for the treatment of children. Another benefit of homeopathy is the cost of treatments; homeopathic remedies are inexpensive, often a fraction of the cost of conventional drugs.

Homeopathy is extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results can be rapid, complete and permanent. Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use Homeopathy without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side effects. Homeopathy is natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural ingredients.

Marty Begin, ND

Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

  • Main Activity: Homeopathy Naturopathy
  • Toronto

  • 715 Bloor St W

    M6G 1L5
  • 416 533 2078

Marty Begin ND,

Marty Begin has been a naturopath and homeopath since 1990 in Toronto. With a good basis of classical and Vitoulkian homeopathy, he went on to study courses or attend many lectures with most of the acclaimed teachers of the last 2 decades.

- See more at:

Monday, September 15, 2014

Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors | Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors | Homeopathic remedies and treatment

Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors | Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors | Homeopathic remedies and treatment

Homeopathic remedies and treatment

This popular form of alternative medicine (homeopathy) is based on three therapeutic principles.

The first of these principles is the law of similar. Based on the concept of treating "like with like".This form of alternative medicine make use of inner power for healing by giving medicine which further increase the symptoms similar to those that the patient is previously experiencing. Now under this law, the inner vital force of the body works simultaneously to neutralize the action of the medicine and finally eliminates the signs of diseases which are similar to it.

Law of individualization - homeopathy recognizes that each individual possesses his own unique pattern of symptoms (physical, mental, and spiritual), and at the time of illness, homeopathy seeks the person in disease, and not the disease in the person.
Illness Is Specific To The Individual. This is truly a holistic model. Comparing this to the conventional medical approach that wants to give specific conditions the same or similar treatment, in homeopathy each condition is treated individually.

The third fundamental of this therapy is that of minimum dose. This law is just opposite to conventional drug philosophy and vital to homeopathy's feasibility. The More Diluted The Remedy, The Greater The Potency, the next principle, is probably the hardest for the rational mind to comprehend. Most believe that more is better. A medicine is more effective in a higher dose. Homeopathy believes the opposite. The more diluted a remedy the greater ability to be effective.

Homeopaths generally begin with detailed examinations of their patients' histories, including questions regarding their physical, mental and emotional states, their life circumstances and any physical or emotional illnesses. The homeopath then attempts to translate this information into a complex formula of mental and physical symptoms, including likes, dislikes, innate predispositions and even body type.

Homeopathic remedies:

Aconite, Aconitum Napellus, Agaricus Muscariu,s Allium Cepa, Aloe Socotrina, Alumina, Antimonium Tart, Apis Mellifica, Argentum Nitricum, Arnica, Arsenicum, Album, Aurum Metallicum, Baryta Carbonica, Belladonna, Bryonia Alba, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Phosphoricum, Calcium Phos, Cantharis, Carbo Vegetabilis, Causticum, Chamomilla, China Officinalis, Conium Maculatum, Ferrum Phos, Gelsemium, Graphites, Hepar Sulphuris Calc, Hypericum, Ignatia, Ipecac, Kali Carbonicum, Kreosotum, Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Magnesia Phosphorica, Mercurius Vivus, Mezereum, Natrum Muriaticum, Nitricum Acidum, Nux Vomica, Petroleum, Phosphoricum Acidum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Rhus Tox, Rhus Toxicodendron, Ruta Grav, Sepia, Silicea, Spongia Tosta, Sulphur, Thuja Occidentalis, Veratrum Album...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Christine Slonetsky, N.D. Naturopathic Doctor, St Thomas On, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 133 Curtis Street, St. Thomas, Ontario-ON

Christine Slonetsky, N.D. Naturopathic Doctor, St Thomas On, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 133 Curtis Street, St. Thomas, Ontario-ON

Christine Slonetsky, N.D. Naturopathic Doctor, St Thomas On

Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

  • Main Activity: Homeopathy Naturopathy
  • St. Thomas

  • 133 Curtis Street

    N5P 4A5
  • 519 637 7778

Christine Slonetsky ND,

Christine is a licensed naturopathic doctor as well as a registered social worker.

She maintains a general naturopathic practice providing natural
therapies for a wide rage of health issues. She has a strong belief in
the ability of the body to heal itself with the proper support.

See more at:

Christine Slonetsky, N.D. Naturopathic Doctor, St Thomas On
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: Homeopathy Naturopathy
    St. Thomas

    Area: Ontario-ON
    Street Address: 133 Curtis Street
    Zip Code: N5P 4A5
    Phone: 519 637 7778
    Web Site:

Christine Slonetsky ND,

Christine is a licensed naturopathic doctor as well as a registered social worker.

She maintains a general naturopathic practice providing natural therapies for a wide rage of health issues. She has a strong belief in the ability of the body to heal itself with the proper support.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Western College of Homeopathic Medicine - alternative healing t3a 0z9, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, #150, 4625 Varsity Drive NW, Calgary-, AB-Alberta-Calgary

Western College of Homeopathic Medicine - alternative healing t3a 0z9, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, #150, 4625 Varsity Drive NW, Calgary-, AB-Alberta-Calgary

Western College of Homeopathic Medicine - alternative healing t3a 0z9
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: homeopathic

    Area: AB-Alberta-Calgary
    Street Address: #150, 4625 Varsity Drive NW
    Zip Code: T3A 0Z9
    Phone: 403 452 3732
    Web Site:

The Western College of Homeopathic Medicine is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It is dedicated to instruction in Classical Homeopathy with parallel instruction in Medical Sciences as it relates to a professional practice in alternative medicine. Along with academically rigorous clinical research and plentiful Student Clinic opportunities, this school is promoting the profession while training individuals to become skilled, working Homeopaths.

alternative healing t3a 0z9

Lucy Lagana, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 2428 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario-ON

Lucy Lagana, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 2428 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario-ON

Lucy Lagana
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: Homeopathy Naturopathy

    Area: Ontario-ON
    Street Address: 2428 Bloor Street West
    Zip Code: M6S 1P9
    Phone: 416 605 6798
    Web Site:

Lucy Lagana is Homeopathy, Holistic Nutrition  & Allergy Clearings Fees

Lucy Lagana is a graduate of the Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine, where she received her Diploma of Homeopathic Medicine and Health Sciences (D.H.M.H.S) graduating homeopathy with honours and receiving the award for top independent research report for the “Treatment of Agriculture Homeopathically”. Her passion of homeopathy has given her the knowledge and insight that is needed to treat an individual taking into account their mental, emotional and physical attributes in order to get the core of that individual, treating them as a whole and bringing them back into balance.

Helga Marinzel, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 96 Avenue Rd, Toronto, Ontario-ON

Helga Marinzel, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 96 Avenue Rd, Toronto, Ontario-ON

Helga Marinzel
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: Homeopathy Naturopathy

    Area: Ontario-ON
    Street Address: 96 Avenue Rd
    Zip Code: M5R 2H3
    Phone: 416 967 1330
    Web Site:

Helga Marinzel

Helga Marinzel is naturopathic doctor in Toronto, Ontario

Alpha Hypnosis Training - alphahypnosis co nz, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 180 Lincoln Road Henderson, Auckland, NTL

Alpha Hypnosis Training - alphahypnosis co nz, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 180 Lincoln Road Henderson, Auckland, NTL

Alpha Hypnosis Training - alphahypnosis co nz
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors - Auckland

    Area: NTL
    Street Address: 180 Lincoln Road Henderson
    Zip Code: 986
    Phone: 09 837 7877
    Web Site:

alphahypnosis co nz

Hypnotherapy is a science and an art. And helping clients requires much more than just learning to hypnotise people and read "scripts".  If you are looking for professional Hypnotherapy training you need to ask yourself.

Marty Begin, ND, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 715 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario-ON

Marty Begin, ND, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 715 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario-ON

 Marty Begin, ND
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: Homeopathy Naturopathy

    Area: Ontario-ON
    Street Address: 715 Bloor St W
    Zip Code: M6G 1L5
    Phone: 416 533 2078
    Web Site:

Marty Begin ND,

Marty Begin has been a naturopath and homeopath since 1990 in Toronto. With a good basis of classical and Vitoulkian homeopathy, he went on to study courses or attend many lectures with most of the acclaimed teachers of the last 2 decades.

Alan Vallinga, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 13 Marnane Terrace, Hamilton, WKO

Alan Vallinga, Alternative Medicine Homeopathic Doctors, 13 Marnane Terrace, Hamilton, WKO

Alan Vallinga
Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors

    Main Activity: Naturopathic Homeopathic Doctors - Hamilton

    Area: WKO
    Street Address: 13 Marnane Terrace
    Zip Code: 3200
    Phone: 07 849 3088
    Web Site:

Alan Vallinga

Natural Bio-Energy Therapist:

    registered practitioner in natural medicine, new zealand health charter

    registered practitioner : the bio energy research society (inc) nz

    certified quantum-touch practitioner